
SaaS founders, did you know that 30-40% of startups fail due to not achieving a product-market fit? To avoid this, consider conducting regular interviews with the sole goal of learning.

Here are six recommendations for getting the most out of interviews:

Do not go into the interview without a plan. You should have a list of open ended questions prepared ahead of time. Listen for pain points. Dig in and get specific with interviewees. Ask consistent questions across interviews so you can compare results.

Keep an open mind, do not lead people down the path to your solution. The point is to discover where prospective users are struggling. Read up on confirmation bias, so you can minimize its impact.

Focus on being present during the call rather than taking lengthy notes. I usually write down reminder notes that I want to ask about later on the call.

Use an AI note taker for transcripts, like Then use ChatGPT to summarize pain points. I've found it useful to generate tabular results.

Read the "Mom Test"- it's got some great practical examples of how to get the most out of interviews

Review results with your product and engineering leads for consistent feedback. Take the time to distill what you learned as a group. Make a plan for what you want to put on the product backlog.

What strategies have you found effective in product discovery work? Share your insights!

As a freelance software developer, I assist clients in bringing new features and insights to market. Feel free to DM me or schedule time on my calendar.